been a week chalk full of hellos and goodbyes. jeff came home from denmark... FINALLY. just in time to spend some time with him before i ship off to South Dakota. said goodbye to Sean Connelley the other day at the Miraloma Club, just up the street from our casa. Sean and Katy Newton are headed down south to the LA Times. the Times is lucky to have them! thank you Sean for the awesome pep talk and for always keeping me inspired. your little SF crew is really going to miss you. home for a few days for the holiday and then gathering up my last few things in the city and then hitting the road.
been collecting a bunch of prints from friends before i go. get me yours if i don't have one yet! i'd love to swap some art before leaving cali.
ugly sweaters, welcome home Jeff, goodbye Sean
i've been wanting to shoot giovanni for a while. known the kid forever and it's fun to see people you grew up with do things with their life that as a kid you always pictured them doing. i'm much more comfortable with completely candid stuff, but was down to experiment with a theme for his new album. giovanni took care of the concept and i took care of the camera. and we had funnnnn. after every shoot like this i always go back and nitpick every little thing when i'm flipping through photomechanic. happy though with how a few turned out.
ahhhh i wish i had a small light set up. and a hasselblad! you can find giovanni's work at:
one last time
saying goodbye to this beautiful city, these friends, this home, the nights that turn into days and the many many people that i've met along the way. done it before, doing it again. even though i've seen it a million times in my life...the bridge, the buildings, the bay.. all of it. i'm going to miss that the most. here's a mix of the past few weeks. no particular order. some from yesterday, some from the end of november. and again, thank you to everyone who came to the gallery to support Project Luz. we had a great turn out and raised a lot of money so thank you to everyone who contributed and helped get the word out.