spent the weekend hosting friends of friends from sunny san diego, traipsing around the city with the folks from the vice collective and their ensuing entourage. watch out for vice, they are going to take this city by storm with their incredibly talented, hand-picked team of amazing artists. thank you ladies and gents for having me as your photog this weekend; entirely too much fun.
megan and co. hosted a party at the supperclub on thursday, kicking off our exhausting weekend. somewhere in there was also a party at darcy's, a night turned into day that ended with me up on twin peaks taking Holga pictures of japanese tourists at sunrise, and finally ending it all at beauty bar for the annual talent show. congrats to miss mudflap megan who took home 500 bones and a trip to vegas.
have a good holiday everyone. be safe and clean out your closets and pantries. it's that time of year to give.
the vice collective
this is it
without really knowing where my final destination will be (the coming days will determine that), i'm starting to say goodbye to this city, this state, the homes that i've made for myself over the past 5 years. sad mostly, but i think that comes from the fear of the unknown. so maybe that isn't so bad. that's something i've been itching to embrace, and now that it's here, i guess i can't help but to be a little uneasy.
here's a few snaps that have been floating around in my edit folders... snaps from the past few weeks. too much travel. too little time in my own bed.
making my way out to the delta again before the week is over. hopefully on the weekend so that i can spend more then just a quick minute there. i called robert and sue the other day to catch up. they were wondering what happened to me. sue was laughing, telling me that she kept saying to robert, "she's fine!! she just needed to get away for a while. let her escape life while she can." sue was right, i think i had been running for the past few weeks. months even. i feel rested, grounded, and eager for the new.
home, inspired and exhausted
i feel like i haven't been home since we got back from Mexico. it's been a pretty busy past couple of months filled with a lot of much needed travel away from SF.
spent the weekend in pasadena for the VII seminar. highlights: Stanley Greene of NOOR, Boogie, Jessica Dimmock's "The Ninth Floor" and Lauren Greenfield's "Kids and Money".
i didn't feel so crazy anymore about having my camera with me all the time after Boogie showed a picture of a cat jumping over a wall where he takes out his trash. his point was that he even has his camera on him when he takes out the trash. can't say i do the same, but i do have my camera with me for 90% of all waking hours throughout the day. and it's made for an interesting couple of months being able to experiment visually and also capture more of my own life.
on a side note... a few of us on APAD were discussing our complaints about the nasty vignetting that the 5D gets when you're shooting wide open at 1.4 on prime lenses. it's a pain in the ass that every picture at 1.4 comes out of camera with the corners totally dropped. but here i am wanting a 35 f/1.4 after getting to play around with one at Samy's Camera. i need to ween myself off shooting so wide open.
here's a few pictures from a Dia de los Muertos celebration that we found in East Los Angeles on Friday night. and a few leftover from halloween:
and oooooh man, moco is getting huge. and oscar, don't worry, you're still cute too.