i found this video of a camera setting sail at a sushi bar in tokyo on David Degner's site (he's the 2007 American Diversity Project's intern). it's fun and a nice break from all the magnum in motion pieces i've watched today.
and speaking of.. the American Diversity Project
you've all already checked that out... right? right?!? awesome shots. and there's also some funny shots of the photogs who worked on the project and seeing christian hansen's smiling face warmed my heart!
a fun video
soul of athens
brian says this isn't journalism. i beg to differ. i think all stories, even if they aren't about a specific issue, have a place to be told. and for me this story was about love and faith and responsibility and the uknown. that's a story to be told, isn't it? and if from the traditional views of journalism that isn't a story, isn't it still worth telling? i think the web is giving us the freedom to tell different stories that maybe didn't have a place before. and that's pretty exciting.
there's something about the intimacies of life that i find incredibly intriguing.
what do you think?
also, check out the american diversity project over at: http://www.americandiversityproject.org
i'm still in idaho...camera-less...which sucks, but also cool because my dad had a film camera sitting up here and i found tmax at fred meyers so that took care of my still shooting. and a nice little thing i found in the closet next to the camera... a digital video camera!! i might steel and bring it back to cali with me.
check out this site
as per usual, the kids over in Athens, Ohio are doing great things with journalism and new media. make sure to check out http://www.soulofathens.com/ for some awesome work
i haven't taken a picture in a week. and that feels weird. i just haven't been out in the sun enough... so the holga isn't as fun without the pan-f.
celebrated colleen and the crews' successes with am emphasis on seeing off our beloved colleen but saying hello to new friends which were hysterically gifted at singing prince songs. spent the day studying and putting the finishing touches on my book for the beloved mid-west (i have a strange affinity for that area... and i love, love, love football). then got some much needed post-finals drinks with scot at the transfer while belly-ache laughing with dave.
we all talked about the chron cutting way too many jobs. which made us sick to our stomaches wondering what will become of all our careers now that we are seriously in the market to compete with experienced, award-winning photographers. and also, super bummed out and totally feeling for our fellow photogs and editors at said paper. adam's call to me about being laid-off will continuously be one my top 5 major let downs in the j-world.
damn the man.
no wait, blame craigstlist. right??
man, it's a bummer to spend most of your night theorizing and protheletizing about how much better the industry could be... only to know that it probably won't change fast enough for all of us to keep up to speed.
on a more positive note... i can't wait for geekfest!! i'm on team "The Diptychs" with Chris Detrick, David Banks, Thomas Boyd, Kevin Lorenzi, Misty McElroy, and David Zentz. i could not be more stoked. i am totally inspired by everyone's work on apad and i'm really excited to work with each of these people. and mr. boyd has been workin the holga and i am super stoked on that.
ready to countdown: graduation, idaho, portland and portland AGAIN. june is going to rock. if i don't see you in june... bummer. it's going to be a good month.
i love to dig for old stuff
at the mercy of the sea
our story at 1001words.org
it's finally done. yes yes yes. feels good to get that big of a project completed. the next challenge: getting a more in-depth and compelling story in a shorter amount of time.
i need to keep shooting this. there are so many better pictures i could make. i have about 10 that i am really proud of. i need to make stronger images.
fyi: i'm really digging this
i'm in the process of switching over to my gmail account, which has been serving it's purpose for apad, but it's usability totally outshines sfsu webmail, so i am going to be killing my @sfsu.edu account pretty soon. you can now find me at kristinabarker@gmail.com
spring is almost over
the end of the semester is winding down and my mind and body are totally feeling it. after staying up over 24 hours last week after pulling an all-nighter to finish our multimedia, it definitely feels like finals are here. we are all really proud of the piece. i'm stoked with how it came out. i mean, there are definitely things that we could have done differently, but i really like the direction we took with our story and i feel like we did capture a bit of what it is like for these guys to be doing what they do. i can't imagine living on the water all my life and doing the incredibly hard work these guys do, but they totally love it and i feel like we captured that. no multimedia to show you guys just yet (we publish on wednesday in class), but for now here's some more photos.
i've been feeling less like myself the past few weeks. i've had a lot to think about as far as school, careers, family, friends, life, and picture-making goes. i need to push myself and gain more courage to do what i want to do with my life after school. i've been looking for feedback, guidance, and generally just people to bounce j-ideas off of. ariel always re-inspires me whenever she comes into town. thank you ariel for always managing to plant a little seed that gets my brain going again. and for helping me edit!
GOOD Magazine
GOOD magazine has been my favorite read the past few months. And now I'm totally wrapped up in their website and their YouTube feed. Awesome stuff, definitely check it out. Here's one of their videos on YouTube about e-waste, something I've gotten really passionate about after learning so much more about this issue in my Environmental Justice class:
thinking of jared
A really amazing person who has been a friend of my family's since we moved in to our place back home is in the hospital right now. I'm sending out all of my love and positive energy for him.
damn the mets!
I love going to the ballpark. I feel like I'm in a 1950s movie.. maybe because I always think of The Sandlot.
More shooting later this week/early next week for the fishermen.
I'm going to be 23 on Friday. Wowza. You all know I hate birthdays because I hate getting older! Bummer, man.
Edit: here's a few shots (I've only scanned 4 so far) from the fashion show at the DeYoung. Brian, Steve, Mike, Jessica and I all shot it for various reasons. I think I was shooting for Fay. I have no idea, I was just making pictures! Oh yeah, and one shot is from after the first night of POYi when we were all making the trek out to Chinatown.
I've been poking around old blog posts... mostly from last summer. Kinda neat to see how my shooting has changed. Better or worse?? I'm not really sure. Better I hope. Fun to read all my ramblings about interning. I miss the northwest!! Portland is still consuming my mind; has been for the past few weeks. I'm ready to get up there.
i've been up before the sun too many times
I've been up so early every day. And anyone that knows me knows that I am by far the worst morning person you will ever meet. But I've beat the sun a bunch for the fishing project.. but not enough though. And I'm hitting a wall with time constraints. Too much to get done with the semester winding down. I'm still working it, but not getting from it what i really want. I think I'm looking too much for a picture. And I'm not being patient enough. I've got a deadline breathing down my neck that shouldn't be such a ball breaker, but it is.
Multimedia is a whole new beast. I had no idea how much I was going to need to push myself. Nearly 10 mins of audio means you need a lot of damn good shots to fill the time. Brian went through my rough edit and tagged about 30 out of 100. I need more people looking at my work regularly. I'm definitely feeling different and shooting different then when I was at my internships, but I don't know if that's helping or working against me. It's hard to pull yourself back from your work and self-analyze. There's nothing more valuable then getting eyes to look at your work, and I need to find some more eyeballs!
watch these
Dai Sugano is doing some awesome work over at the Merc. V-webb linked this on the SF State photo-j myspace page. It's really inspiring to see people doing work like this and pushing the industry forward into unchartered territory. It's pretty exciting to be a part of this transition. Check it out: On Assignment
And as Ken would say, moving pictures!! Here's Ira Glass and This American Life. Does anybody have Showtime? I want to come over and watch this.
5:53 PM
i have sea legs
i'm so exhausted. i've been up for the past 23 hours shooting and editing this story. i've gone through my entire few weeks takes of stuff and wasn't really happy with it until today. i needed to get out on the boat. and so i went on a boat. took a while to get access and i had some pretty crazy stories to tell after getting to know these people well. i want to keep working on this. it's coming together right now for intro to online, but i want to keep working on this over the summer. here's some shots. random order. oh my god, the word won't stop spinning.