we have officially developed our first roll of film at 162. the darkroom is open. prints to come. peep my first roll, THE first roll at our casa. yes.
welcome home, b/w.
i need something to keep me sane
Been uninspired by things at school. Haven't taken as many pictures lately as I should be. Getting too frustrated with how things are run in the department.
But as always I'm constantly taking pictures with my phone of things I come across when I'm out and about. Here's some photos from the past few weeks. I have a few rolls of b/w that I took out on Saturday on the epic SF day. I need to scrounge up a few bucks to get that developed, or we should finally put the darkroom together since we have all the supplies!! Heck, I think I'm going to just sit in the tub and develop some film. Anyone wanna come over and toss around tanks with me this weekend?watched the sunset on saturday perched up on a cliff above the cliff house with moorea, brian, dave, dave's girl trish. scary as all hell climbing out there but damn, that was the most incredible view. check out all those silhouettes and that beautiful rim light on moorea!! way to go camera phone, i thought for sure this wouldn't turn out. and don't mind the tilted horizon, i was trying to not fall onto the highway.
joe and i had lunch last week at dolores park cafe. i don't i ever get anything but salads and thai iced teas there. so good. anyways, this was the end of a very beautiful day. we were sitting outside and i was facing the window and saw the fog roll in over twin peaks in the reflection. would have made a cool shot if i had a real camera with me!! i'm officially carrying my minolta with me at all times.i think this is from the bluegrass festival, which was a few weeks ago. this couple was posted up on their car out in front of the knockout. you never see people sitting on their cars in this town.
brian, scooter, and head and i ended a very epic day sitting on top of the west portal muni tunnel. at lest that climb wasn't as scary as the cliffs, but by the end of the day it was difficult.
i had a hankering for a thai baby cocount after darcy wouldn't stop talking about them. i drove to the store last night to pick one up and caught the last of a gorgeous sunset. i'm loving this weather.